Press clippings

Titlesort descending Publication Date
Best Paper Award for PROXIMA at 51st DAC 17 June 2014
BSC at DATE 2016 22 March 2016
BSC at the collaboration workshop Advanced Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 2016 14 June 2016
BSC gathers top European institutions specialised in mixed-criticality systems 25 November 2016
BSC hosts a Mixed-Criticality Cluster Workshop 21 November 2016
BSC is pioneering use of Extreme Value Theory in Computer Sciences 14 December 2015
BSC researchers win Best Paper Award at ISORC 2016 01 June 2016
Dr. Francisco J. Cazorla - RAI Medal 14 December 2015
El BSC concluye con éxito un proyecto para mejorar la seguridad de coches, aviones, trenes y vehículos espaciales 22 October 2013
El BSC concluye con éxito un proyecto para mejorar la seguridad de coches, aviones, trenes y vehículos espaciales 22 October 2013
Eureka - Mejorar la seguridad de trenes, coches y aviones 30 October 2013
Francisco J. Cazorla, keynote speaker at the Spanish Conference of Computer Science 15 September 2016
Proartis, el proyecto detrás de la seguridad de aviones, trenes y naves espaciales 27 October 2013
Probabalistic analysis and randomization provide the answer to timing challenges for next generation critical embedded systems 21 March 2014
PROXIMA Award in BSC Newsletter 04 July 2014
PROXIMA co-organisers of 2nd Workshop on Mixed-Criticality Integration 08 May 2014
PROXIMA processors for space applications win HiPEAC Technology Transfer Award 23 December 2016
PROXIMA project appears in HiPEAC 23 May 2016
PROXIMA project appears in HiPEAC 09 November 2016
Proxima project begins on 1st October 25 March 2013
PROXIMA: técnicas probabilísticas y aleatorización para analizar el tiempo de respuesta de sistemas críticos 24 April 2014
PROXIMA: the next generation of probabilistic analysis for manycore processors 25 October 2013
Randomization provides the answer to timing challenges for next generation critical embedded systems 24 March 2014
SYSGO Day 2016 04 August 2016