The co-ordinators of the Mixed Criticality Cluster have been invited to the advisory board of the MultiPARTES (Multi-cores Partitioning for Trusted Embedded Systems) project. The board is meeting in Bilbao, Spain on the 8th October. This will provide an excellent opportunity for cross-project collaboration.
MultiPARTES is is a research project aimed at developing tools and solutions for building trusted embedded systems with mixed criticality components on multicore platforms. The approach is based on developing an innovative open-source multicore-platform virtualization layer based on the XtratuM hypervisor.
Starting the @FP7MultiPARTES Advisory Board meeting
— Juan A de la Puente (@jdelapuente) October 8, 2014
Partners in MultiPARTES are
- Ikerlan-IK4, Spain (Coordinator)
- Universitat Politècnica de València (UPVLC), Spain
- Technische Universität Wien (TUW), Austria
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- TRIALOG, France
- Fent Innovative Software Solutions (FENTISS), Spain
- TELETEL, Greece
- Visual Tools, Spain
- ALSTOM Wind, Spain